Friday, March 13, 2009

Work anywhere virtual risk

With the cost of living, cost of office space in cities, and the price of fuel, many organizations are moving to virtual works forces and telecommuting. Makes a lot of sense. My observation is that productivity of works can go up - with the office in the home, more workers are willing to put in more hours. It also helps the family -kids are able to see Mom and Dad working, commute time is converted into family time, etc. Big plus. Virtual workforces have their issues, but these can be managed in most cases.

I know people that have taken the opportunity to move to places that either open up opportunities (ex: dream to live on a ranch) or to live in a place of their dreams.

But then something ugly happens: the economy takes a down turn, a company releases workforce, and now you need to find a job. If you live in the middle of no-where, your job opportunities may be no where as well.

So, pursue your dreams and be realistic.